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Spooky Halloween book series

All The Dead Are Here - Pete Bevan's zombie tales collection

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WARNING: Stories on this site may contain mature language and situations, and may be inappropriate for readers under the age of 18.

VOTE FOR DEKE WILSON… OR DIE by Thomas Lee Joseph Smith
October 30, 2007  Humorous,Short stories   Tags: ,   

6:43 A.M. Cobb County, Maine

The camera comes to life, the attached lights staring brightly ahead. It’s November 2008 and we’re in a school gymnasium that’s been set up as a voting station. There are tables and an American flag and there are ten elderly citizens sitting behind the tables, and stacks of ballots ready to be distributed… what seems a bit unusual are the big pistols and shotguns sitting on the tables and being carried about. The man in the room with the least firepower available, is the uniformed police officer sitting in the corner on a folding chair. (more…)

AFTER DEAD by Shane Nelson
  Short stories   

            As the heavy garbage truck crested the hill, Duane shifted gears.  The transmission gave a tired rattle and the truck slowed. Duane brought the truck to a shuddering stop on the gravel shoulder.  Down the highway, a farmyard waited off the edge of the road.  (more…)

VIRAL SYSTEM by William Blake Vogel III
October 17, 2007  Poetry   Tags: ,   

Virulent progression,
Procession to rot;
Hungry and undead
Killing what’s not (more…)

CLEANUP CREW by Patrick M. Tracy
  Short stories   Tags:   

Andrea leaned against the wide windowsill of the capital building and looked down into the square. In the distance, fire was consuming the outlying districts of the city. The end of everything—the big, stupid hammer between the eyes that knocks society down—the movies, bibles, and chiller books always made it seem as if it would be so loud. Eardrum-smashing screams as everything blows up and goes dark. Really, it had been quiet. Maybe that was the whole idea. You just exhale, and it goes away. Free at last, free at last. (more…)

CRAZIE DAYZ by Edward R. Rosick
October 9, 2007  Longer stories   

August 20

Damn, shure was hot twoday, don’t care what anyone saz I think the ohzone really has had it. Heat waves was every-where, jumping like children on a hot assfault road. Wasn’t for the damn heat I could have focused better on oldman Wertman, and if I could have focussed better I would have got a cleen shot stead of a messy gut shot. Damn old man is probabely going to be screaming all nite, maybe even the next day he is a pretty strong old man. Shure does not help my headaches, hearing him screaming. If bullets were not so hard to cum bye I would finish the job for shure I would. Maybe I would even shut up his damn wife, old lady Wertman, sometimes she screams so loud at me, she screams “Dick yu are a Crazie Sum-Bitch!” (more…)