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Spooky Halloween book series

All The Dead Are Here - Pete Bevan's zombie tales collection

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WARNING: Stories on this site may contain mature language and situations, and may be inappropriate for readers under the age of 18.

ALL THE DEAD ARE HERE, a collection by Pete Bevan
October 24, 2011  Announcements   Tags:   


It is with great pleasure I can announce that “All the Dead are Here” is now available in paperback, as well as eBook versions. The paperback version, which now contains an introduction not in the eBook version is available here:


From our good friend Mr. Pete Bevan:
“It is with great pleasure I can announce that my collected works of Zombie fiction, entitled “All The Dead Are Here” is now available at Amazon.co.uk and Amazon.com for the Kindle Reader App. This means they can be read on the Kindle, Smartphone, PC, iPhone or Mac (through Kindle Cloud Reader) for a price of around $5 or $3.50.

All The Dead Are Here – Amazon.co.uk
All The Dead Are Here – Amazon.com

This book contains 9 stories from TOWWZ that have been professionally edited and, in some cases rewritten. Then there are an additional 8 previously unpublished works in this collection that represents all of Pete Bevan’s Zombie fiction in one spine chilling tome of 85,000 words. The collection also contains all three (Three? Or four?) parts of his acclaimed ‘Minister’ series.

I sincerely hope you treat yourself to a bit of a Zombie this Halloween, and I would only ask that you leave a review on Amazon.

Due to the subject matter and language used this book is not recommended for the under 18’s. Not unless they’ve been really bad.

Islands – Competition winning story of a lone shop owner trapped in a city of the Undead, his salvation coming from an unexpected source.
The Minister – Years after the Apocalypse a band of survivors meet the strangest man of God.
Kernow – Take care when holidaying in Cornwall after the Zombie Apocalypse.
The Beating of 10,000 wings – An old man makes his final peace in a scarred land.
Cadish – An strange alien with the best intentions makes a hideous mistake.
The Minister Verse 2 – Government forces hunt for a strange priest not realising his true power.
The Isle of the Ungodly Dead – A Victorian reporter from the Times finds a tropical hell.
These things always happen to me on a Tuesday – The Zombie Apocalypse is not always as it seems.
Leaving Liminality – A survivor reminisces on what he has become.
The Boy – A traffic jam at the wrong place and time changes a boys fate forever.
Koyashis Button – A man employed for his lack of empathy has to make a fateful decision.
Zom – bee – The last man to sleep has to become fear itself as he drives across a nightmare world.
The Madman, The Tower, and The devil – A US General gets a visitation from the old adversary.
Angels with Dirty Faces – A father is faced with his darkest decision.
The Minister Verse 3: Resurrection – The final epic showdown of the Minister triptych
Quantum Practice – The last scientist uses a hat stand of non-linear time to prevent the Apocalypse.
The Tellers Apprentice – A lone traveller seeks to pass on the lost knowledge, but who is this traveller?”

So consider getting yourself or a friend this collection of fine stories for Halloween. Several of these are featured on our site, but many are exclusive to Pete’s collection.



  1. I just want to say that its about time your work gets the recognition it deserves.

    Comment by Kingsfall on October 24, 2011 @ 12:17 pm

  2. Thank you. Now I just need a load of good reviews as none of the horror short story collections on Amazon have more than about 3 reviews.

    Comment by Pete Bevan on October 24, 2011 @ 12:23 pm

  3. I am going to have to figure out how to set up Kindle on my phone so I can get this. I am so excited! Can not wait!

    Comment by Linda on October 24, 2011 @ 1:23 pm

  4. ill buy a copy — I never really use the Kindle app on my android — so now here’s a chance too.

    Comment by Simp on October 24, 2011 @ 2:01 pm

  5. You can just download it on PC as well, but i use on my droid phone and I’ve just finished EDgar Rice Burroughs “John Carter of Mars” and i found it really ok to read on my phone.

    Comment by Pete Bevan on October 24, 2011 @ 2:06 pm

  6. I normally don’t like to buy from kindle due to the DRM they put on most of their books. But maybe I should make an exception in this case. Unless you have a nice ePub version I can read on my own reader software?
    Also well done in getting a collection out there

    Comment by Scottbp on October 24, 2011 @ 5:28 pm

  7. Is there any plan for a print version?

    Comment by wpm on October 24, 2011 @ 6:23 pm

  8. I only ask because when the zombie apocalypse happens (and it will….) I still want to be able to have my mind candy.

    Comment by wpm on October 24, 2011 @ 6:26 pm

  9. I would love to do a print version, and indeed I planned to, however due to the imminent arrival of my son in January, and the financial crisis I couldn’t fund it. Maybe in the future.

    Comment by Pete Bevan on October 25, 2011 @ 1:11 am

  10. Congratulations Pete, and very well done. I look forward to purchasing and reading this. Was it much of a hassle finding editors and the like?

    Comment by Kevin F on October 25, 2011 @ 3:36 am

  11. Well all the stuff from TOWWZ was pretty much proof read do death by a variety of people, and I have a friend who is a Technical editor who agreed to do it gratis (although I don’t think he would do it again, as it was hard work given the time frame I gave him.)

    I don’t doubt there are still errors in there (I know of one) but we got most of the biggies.

    I hope you enjoy it Kevin I really do. If I had to guess I would reckon that ‘Angels with Dirty Faces’ or “The Madman, The Tower and The Devil” would be your favourite.


    Comment by Pete Bevan on October 25, 2011 @ 3:59 am

  12. WTG Pete! Wish you all the success in the world.

    Comment by Patrick Turner on October 25, 2011 @ 6:07 am

  13. Thanks Patrick. If anyone has friends who run book review blogs I would appreciate any contacts. I’ve had no luck so far.

    Comment by Pete Bevan on October 25, 2011 @ 6:31 am

  14. oh i look forward to get one! although i would always prefer a printed copy.

    Comment by j.tchaikovski on October 25, 2011 @ 12:29 pm

  15. Very nice Pete! I’ll be picking it up this weekend then..

    Comment by Sleinte O'Donnell on October 26, 2011 @ 3:48 pm

  16. Can I just say that the American contingent to this site are really letting me down…… Sales aren’t even in double figures yet.

    Its almost like you guys don’t WANT to know what happened after The Minister Part 3….Sheesh 🙂

    Comment by Pete Bevan on October 27, 2011 @ 6:07 am

  17. From the Yank side of the pond, I just bought a copy! I’ve read and loved all your stories here, I can hardly wait to re-read them (“Islands” is my fave) and dig into the new ones. Great job!!! And congrats on the upcoming addition to your family!!

    Comment by Silvio on November 3, 2011 @ 8:55 am

  18. Thank you Silvio. I think Islands is one of the weaker ones in the collection now! Oh I just want to tell you all about them 🙂

    Anyway the old ones are worth a re-read as they have been properly edited. The Minister benefiting most from that process I think, I rewrote a couple of sections too.

    And thank you for the comment on my upcoming progeny. He is due in January so no doubt I’ll be incommunicado for a few months changing nappies and stuff! Great…………..

    Anyway please leave a review on Amazon when you are done. I’ve only got 2 reviews so far on amazon.com 🙁 you guys are letting me down.

    Comment by Pete Bevan on November 3, 2011 @ 3:54 pm

  19. Paper copy ordered! Now just waiting to read and enjoy!

    Comment by Hijinxjeep on November 16, 2011 @ 2:32 am

  20. Oh you will Hijinx…You will….

    Muhahahahhahhahahhahhaha *cough*

    Can you please leave a review on Lulu when you’ve read it.

    Comment by Pete Bevan on November 16, 2011 @ 4:16 am

  21. Any way for us to “like” your book on facebook? I’m all up for a grass roots push to get you to the best sellers list!

    Comment by Hijinxjeep on November 17, 2011 @ 8:16 pm

  22. Thanks Hi jinx. The best thing you can do is leave a review on Amazon.co.uk/.com and Lulu.com.

    To be fair I don’t even think WWZ made it onto the bestsellers list, so I never expected to retire from it! I only wanted to not lose money on publishing it, unfortunately I haven’t sold the minimum order quantity on any outlet to get the min payment so Amazon has made a bit of money off me.

    I am a bit dissappointed that people didn’t want to find out what happened after Minister part 3. Or the find out the secret to all the work I have put on this site, but I can console myself by having my book in my “black library” of Zombie fiction. (Which is a shelf in the loo so my daughter can’t see all the horrible covers on my collection of zombie books).

    And my Mum has a signed copy so she is happy 🙂

    Comment by Pete Bevan on November 18, 2011 @ 2:08 am

  23. The only other thing you can do is share it on FB or any other social networkking site, or mention it in any forums you frequent.

    Comment by Pete Bevan on November 18, 2011 @ 2:09 am

  24. Lulu.com are having a sale. Grab %25 off “All the Dead are here” using the following voucher code.


    Comment by Pete Bevan on November 26, 2011 @ 2:17 am

  25. lulu are having another 25% off sale with the code BUY2GETONE325

    Comment by Pete Bevan on December 2, 2011 @ 6:47 pm

  26. Buy “All the Dead Are Here” for 30% off

    with voucher code WINTERSAVEUK305 until the end of Wednesday this week.

    Comment by Pete Bevan on December 6, 2011 @ 4:35 am

  27. Should have said on Lulu.com

    Comment by Pete Bevan on December 6, 2011 @ 4:36 am

  28. If you haven’t seen the Facebook page then I need to let you know about the fact that ‘All the Dead are here’ is now available on Amazon as a paperback. Through the link below.


    Also if you buy it through lulu using the link in the post, and the following voucher code, you can get 25% off until the end of January.


    And if you have bought it and haven’t left a review…Then I know who you are! Just go and do it now or I’ll send The Minister round. 🙂

    Comment by Pete Bevan on January 10, 2012 @ 4:18 pm

  29. Pete,
    I just bought your book for my Kindle a couple of days ago. My God, man. It is great! Cadish had a Dr. Who-esque feeling for me (I’m a huge DW fan) and the Minister series…awesome. I really liked Leaving Liminality, also. The evolution from our current idea of life to what it would be after the ZA. Bravo. I’ll be leaving a review on Amazon. I gave it 5 Stars, already.

    Comment by JamesAbel on June 14, 2012 @ 9:31 am

  30. James, Leaving Liminality was literary genius. The way he looked at himself in the mirror, realizing that he had become the man that he wanted to be all along was superb. He had it in him but all he needed was an apocolypse to make him see it. I could go on all day talking about Petes book.

    Comment by FubarFrank on June 14, 2012 @ 10:12 am

  31. Aw shucks *rotates one foot shyly*. Glad you enjoyed it, and please leave a review (that goes for anyone else who bought it but hasn’t left a review…Yeah I’M LOOKING AT YOU THROUGH THE INTERNET TUBES!)

    Comment by Pete Bevan on June 14, 2012 @ 12:03 pm

  32. Beat you to it, Pete! Interview is already on Amazon. I think I was number 9. And stop looking at me through the internet tubes! I’m in my underwear…..

    Comment by JamesAbel on June 14, 2012 @ 12:07 pm

  33. The pink satin doesn’t suit you……

    Comment by Pete Bevan on June 14, 2012 @ 12:08 pm

  34. Whatever….I’m HOT!

    Comment by JamesAbel on June 14, 2012 @ 12:09 pm

  35. My wife bought the book for me and I haven’t wanted to leave a review under the name Ladibug. Since Amazon will not let me review a book on a new account until I purchase something I’ve had to wait but…. since I am sure you will understand my plight, I will review it under her fluttery foo foo girly name.

    Comment by FubarFrank on June 14, 2012 @ 12:37 pm

  36. Oh, Ladibug, everyone will understand.

    Comment by JamesAbel on June 14, 2012 @ 12:39 pm

  37. @Ladibug you do realise that whenever James and I refer to you on these comment boards now you will be called Ladibug 🙂

    Comment by Pete Bevan on June 14, 2012 @ 12:49 pm

  38. /Facepalm

    Comment by FubarFrank on June 14, 2012 @ 1:02 pm

  39. Indeed, Ladibug, indeed.

    Comment by JamesAbel on June 14, 2012 @ 1:04 pm

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