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Spooky Halloween book series

All The Dead Are Here - Pete Bevan's zombie tales collection

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WARNING: Stories on this site may contain mature language and situations, and may be inappropriate for readers under the age of 18.

SMOOTH WORDS By Justin Dunne
May 27, 2013  Short stories   

Mah…mah….mah…Misty dog must be gone too.  Daddy said that as long as Misty was in the backyard I wah wouldn’t have to worry about any scary monsters. One time, yesterday when I was little, I thought I saw a mah mah monster with scary teeth hiding near my pillow but but but daddy said no because Misty wouldn’t let any mah monsters in the house.  Daddy said I should be bah big and brave just like bah bah batman.  (more…)

DEAD MEAT By Niall McMahon
May 22, 2013  Short stories   

You can take Jim’s theory and run with that if you want.

Me? I still aint sure why it all happened. (more…)

May 14, 2013  Short stories   Tags:   

On the third day, Sister Evangelina was shot through the head. She was the third Sister of Lazarus to be struck down, following Sister Zoe and Sister Susannah. On a distant hill, watching her quarry through her binoculars, Mary Travis regarded her handiwork and smiled grimly. (more…)

May 2, 2013  Short stories   

The first thing I saw was pink satin, bunches and bunches of pink satin, and I raised a fist covered in white lace and rotting flesh and, oh, damn you Mom, damn you, you always took advantage of me when I was at my most vulnerable and you knew the only time you could dress me up like a pretty little princess was when I was DEAD, at my FUNERAL, not the fuck-you blaze I wanted to go out in at all but I couldn’t stop you, could I…I’m really hungry. (more…)