October 18, 2008 Announcements
1st Place: Delivery 404 by Stephen M. Dare
2nd Place: Zombie Town by Adam Francis Smith
Again, we are incredibly grateful to our authors and to our readers. The quality of submissions to the site has been incredible, and we love the discussions that start in the comments.
sincerest thanks,
Ryan West
Editor, Tales of the Zombie War
Mr. West: I was thrilled and flattered to hear that I had won 2nd place in the recent contest. I considered just having my story posted on your site to be a major accomplishment. I don’t know who will be able to help me get my head out of the clouds now! I want to thank you sincerely for the opportunities that you’ve presented to all of us writers, and thank you for the terrific stories that you find and share with us readers. The ability to read and respond to comments is an added bonus and a priceless tool. Thank you again, sincerely. Adam Francis Smith
Comment by Adam Smith on November 19, 2008 @ 4:18 pm