WARNING: Stories on this site may contain mature language and situations, and may be inappropriate for readers under the age of 18.
STATUES by J. Michael
July 7, 2008 Poetry Tags: J Michael, poem
We first played this game as children
some three thousand miles south of here,
clattering out of screen porches
and down back steps onto cushioning grass.
Here my thick boots snap the snow like bone.
Freeze, somebody would yell, and we’d halt,
our traitorous hearts still pounding their drums.
There is no pulse on the tundra but mine.
January 7, 2008 Poetry Tags: Kristine Ong Muslim, poem
Daylight was the first to flicker.
The air was subsequently thinned;
we gasped–each breath more
labored than the one before it. (more…)
CAROUSEL by Brian Rosenberger
December 14, 2007 Poetry Tags: Brian Rosenberger, guns, poem
He paints them with his gun
colors of red and bone
like bursting balloons
the “Bang” is the same (more…)
ZOMBIE FISHING TRIP by Brian Rosenberger
November 20, 2007 Poetry Tags: Brian Rosenberger, poem
No bites in the morningsave for bugs
drowning in ocular fluid
rubbing and rubbing
out plopped his eye (more…)
VIRAL SYSTEM by William Blake Vogel III
October 17, 2007 Poetry Tags: poem, William Blake Vogel III
Virulent progression,
Procession to rot;
Hungry and undead
Killing what’s not (more…)
August 23, 2007 Poetry Tags: J Michael, poem
Grandmother says
they used to bury them.
Whole gardens of them, marked with stones,
pretty trees trimmed into shapes
and little pots for flowers. (more…)
THE VETERAN by J. Michael
Poetry Tags: J Michael, military, poem
Against a barricade of damp sand
in sacks, we’ve been waiting,
ears tuned to the shuffle of soles. (more…)
THE LAST OF THE LIVING by Ramona Thompson
August 21, 2007 Poetry Tags: poem
I am alive inside
This Hell on earth
For how much longer I do not know (more…)
HEADSPACE by William Blake Vogel III
June 29, 2007 Poetry Tags: poem, William Blake Vogel III
Hungry is the empty flesh,
Ravenous as the Angel Death;
So rot the pestilence
Grey tissue, vacant eyes:
Soulless angst rages
In this murder meat device
Gnawing, biting teeth
That kill and eat;
Carrion screams forever bleed.